Uix Kit

Free Web Kits For Fast Web Design And Development, Compatible With Bootstrap 4


Make over 120+ components to wear again and again!

A free web kits for fast web design and development. Uix Kit can be used separately, or merge components and grid systems using bootstrap. Support JS, HTML and SASS component library automatically packaged. Automatically convert ES6 JS to ES5 using Babel in this scaffold.

React Version

How To Use?

You will need to have node setup on your machine. That will output the built distributables to ./dist/* and ./examples/*.html.

Step 1. Use NPM (Locate your current directory of project, and enter the following command.) or download the latest version from Github. For nodejs you have to install some dependencies.

sudo npm install uix-kit

Or clone the repo to get all source files including build scripts:

git clone git://github.com/xizon/uix-kit.git

Step 2. First, using an absolute path into your "uix-kit/" folder directory.

cd /{your_directory}/uix-kit

Step 3. Before doing all dev stuff make sure you have `Node 10+` installed. After that, run the following code in the main directory to install the node module dependencies.

sudo npm install --only=dev --unsafe-perm --production

Step 4. When you’re ready to deploy to production, create a minified bundle with:

npm run build

Step 5. When you have done, this will spin up a server that can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/examples/